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The Impact of a New Workplace Technology on Employees

This paper investigates the impact of the implementation of a new workplace technology on worker outcomes such as overtime, training and perceived productivity. While the effects of new technologies on firm outcomes are widely discussed, the impact on workers still remains debated. (joint work with Marek Giebel)


Detailed worker-level data for Germany allows us to compare the outcomes for workers which are exposed to a change in workplace technologies to the group of workers which are not exposed in the periods before and after the introduction. Moreover, we exploit the perception of the new technology by employees to determine the dependency of the effects on this dimension of heterogeneity. Our estimates imply strongest impacts of new technologies in the first year of the implementation for overtime, training and perceived productivity. In addition, we show that the positive effects of a new technology vanish after the introduction period. Finally, changes in worker outcomes are dependent on the nature of the introduced technology. Positive effects on real worker outcomes therefore primarily occur when workers also tend to perceive it.

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